I downloaded this 1st!!!!!!!!!!
AmazZzing. You know when i give you the 3 Zs that this is a really awesome song. I wouldn't be surprized if this made the top 5.
I downloaded this 1st!!!!!!!!!!
AmazZzing. You know when i give you the 3 Zs that this is a really awesome song. I wouldn't be surprized if this made the top 5.
Thanks, maybe it will idk, not well mastered tho so maybe not.
That one synth you used sounds like the one from sandstorm. The part at 1:58 seems a bit empty, but when when it came back in it made it sound really good.
Never stop making awesome music my friend.
Thanks man. Qyue made the original song and i remastered it. Changed instruments, rearranged it and added the second melody from 1:58 to 2:53 (and yes i know it sounds kind of empty. I'll fix that).
the story really completed the song. If i had the software i would make the music video of this. Awesome.
sweet im really ecstatic that you liked it thanks for the review hope everyone feels the same i really want to see it the way i envisioned it. thanx man i wish you could do it it wouldve been the greatest thing for me. thnx again
10/10 + 5/5
If the file is too big you can just save it in a lower quality or put it up on your myspace or something, and give people a link.
Very good song.
This song is put together perfectly and i can tell you worked on it a lot.
Good job dude.
thank you very much for the review but the song is already on my myspace but i want it here so that it may maybe be used by another artist. i like to help out others to be inspired my music is has and always will be free so my myspace is there to show others what im capable of and the music here is to help so thnx again for the review much appreciated and yes i like this dnb beat it is cool and smooth sly and all da above. peace n love my brotha
Just wow...
This is only you're third oldskool track and it's fucking amazing. and i never swear on reviews, that's how good this is.
Thanks, however I do confess that i actually spent a lot of time studying other people's beats, (prominently those of DJ Delinquent), so this isn't a completely new thing to me.
This is awesome!
This song has so much potential though. This part could be the entire intro and then make it into a trance song. This song alone is very peaceful and ambient, and i really like it.
I like your thinking! Now I think I might do 2 more versions lol, a trance one, and a peaceful piano, strings, and choir medly.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and review!
Very catchy...
I like how it actually changes the tune a little cut theres way too much repetitiveness in hiphop beats here.
thank you :) i try, and ive noticed. but by any chance would you have some VST plug ins that i could maybe barrow lol?
Very unique...
I like the beats alot. The clap sounds like it belongs in a hip-hop song but it fits here too. Its spooky but in a good way that makes the song really enjoyable.
thank you pezmobile :P thats a shweet name btw. but yeah the clap i was kinda thinkin the same thing...i just have a very small library of samples to choose from, so i try to do with it what i can, but thank you alot im glad you like the song :)
thank you :)
Nice one dude.
Reminds me of long walks in the rain. The synths in the beginning are a little confusing but when the beat pulled together it was really catchy. I'm surprised this isn't more popular cus its really good. If you do decide to add lyrics only add them at the part at 2:46 cus anywhere else would ruin the ambience of the song. Oh and you didn't spell the name really weird like K0ld KRu!ZE like you usually do. Keep making awesome music dude!
Catch u later =D
I also was thinkin of rain when i made this. And i usually spell things oddly to atract attention. I now realize that only worked for a short time, but i still do the 'i's as exclamation po!nts =D. I was expecting it to get higher ratings too. Thanks for the review. Oh, and check out my olskool attempt, A night to remember.
Check out my music if u have time! And follow me here too: http://www.youtube.c om/user/Pezmobile http://soundcloud.co m/pezmobile http://www.facebook. com/pages/Pezmobile- Official-Artist-Page /150710244948176
Age 30, Male
New Jersey, United States
Joined on 4/2/09